N levels four more days , yet i am stucked with phycics and math i need pass two of them in order to go sec five . i doubt i can make it .
Those that are thinking and saying behind my back , that i always didnt meant what i said . always say study in the end never , this is pissing the freak outta me . you all dont even know how much i improve in my others subject ....... you know me but not my story .
i blog cause for some reasons , cause its the last day of 4Ns school and i dont think i will make it to sec five ,
A big big thanks to mrs lim for helping me fucking buck up my chemistry from fail to A1 , i know i am very proud and show off that i have done well in chemistry , not because i wanna show off , it is because , the feeling cant be describle . it really feels damn good when you study one month for the chemistry subject while people study for whole year or even more . the feeling is damn fucking shoick when you teaching your classmates how to do your good subject .
Maybe my chemistry wasnt as good as i expected , but i like the feeling seriously .
my phycics cui , and i dont think i have any ways to make my combine science to a higher grade . i hope i can .
Sorrry mrs lim for letting you down . but , i really appricate it when you put your heart and soul in helping and teaching me chemistry , i dont know how to thank you , you was once my chemistry teacher on my first year secondary three , yet you still agree to teach me chemistry the whole topic from the start . i dont think i can ever find a teacher as good as you . you once requested just a dinner from me will do if i pass my chem , now i will keep my promise even if i fail my combine science cause i know , there's no way my chem will fail . i will try find people pei me eat dinner and treat you dinner .
didnt knew that secondary school life for five years passed so fast , and i am doing shit . pure shit . just in those years . . and yet . i am not serious about studies . everytime always last min , always procrastinating say next chapter den learnt in the end the whole sec four finish i never learnt anything , zai hor ! well. thats me .
And thanks a lot people for not giving up on me . i know personally who is good and who is bad to me . so some people stop acting like you care when you dont even care .
i feeel like writing one letter to thank mrs lim leh . but . .. .. . like paiseh eh . should i ?
Nvm , i have fun in secondary , i think i will lead a hardtime life in future , thats what i truly deserve i know .
okay lah . nvm .
shall stop here .